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Lana Del Rey wants to fight Azealia Banks

Lana Del Rey and Azealia Banks

Lana Del Rey joins the long list of targets of Azealia Banks‘ seemingly endless well of vitriol — and eventually maybe her fists or teeth.
Banks, 27, attacked Del Rey, 33, for criticizing Kanye West‘s continued vocal support of Donald Trump.

After West’s “Saturday Night Live” rant and Make America Great Again hat posts, Del Rey told the rapper in his Instagram comments that his admiration of the President was a “loss for the culture.”
“Wow okay Lana, this would be cute if you were consistent with your outrage and refused to collab with A$AP Rocky who has physically assaulted women too. To me this just looks like the typical White woman taking using a weakened target to ‘pretend’ to be an ally,” Banks tweeted on Sept. 30 after Del Rey’s initial commentary.
She added, “Especially because you know that a white woman vs a black male will result in an immediate victory for the white woman due to societal circumstances. You wouldn’t dare challenge a black woman on her opinion because you don’t have that (much of a) social prejudice in place between … Between women as there is between sexes. Don’t use Kanye for your own vapid attempts to seem politically aware when there is SO MUCH MORE bootleg witchcraft you could be doing to TRY and take down 45. Kanye is not your enemy or THE enemy. In fact your selective outrage makes YOU. The enemy. You approve of A$AP Rocky because his victims weren’t white. You’re exactly the kind of thought police Kanye is fighting against.”
Banks’ “witchcraft” comment likely refers to Del Rey’s attempt at using a spell to “bind” Trump in February 2017.
It took Del Rey more than a week to respond to Banks.
“@shopcheapyxo you know the addy,” she tweeted Tuesday. “Pull up anytime. Say it to my face. But if I were you I wouldn’t.”

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